Anti Monkey Butt Co.
Est. 2003
Work Hard
Play Hard
Let us fight the friction
It’s the best dang friction defense you’ll ever use. Period. So, whether you’re working, rucking, biking, running, building, firefighting, mountain climbing…when you’re working hard or playing hard and things are rubbing, we get it and we’ve got your butt.
Formulated with Calamine for soothing, healing relief without the burn.
5-Star Brand Reviews
Our AMB Baby Powder is a must-have for the diaper changing station. 👶
✔️ Prevents Diaper Rash
✔️ Talc-Free Hypoallergenic Formula with Calamine
✔️ Anti Chafing and Anti Itch

Our Anti Chafing Stick is great for stopping chafing along thighs, bra lines, underarms, and more for long-lasting relief. 💛 💛

Happy first day of summer aka the start of swamp a$$ season. ☀️ Don`t worry, we`ve got your butt. 😎

You might be wondering
Say Goodbye to Chub Rub: Tips for Treating and Preventing Chafing
If you have skin and like to move, especially on beautiful, warm summer days, you are at risk for “chub rub.” (So, yeah, like everyone.) Thankfully, you can care for chub rub relatively easily and prevent it from coming back.
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Prevent Painful Chafing Of Skin On Your Feet
For those of you who are on your feet all day, every day, you know how important it is to stay comfortable.
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The Benefits of Calamine
When the weather warms up, many of us head outdoors and get active. No matter what you are looking forward to doing, whether it be hiking, biking, motorcycling, gardening, or attending outdoor festivals, you want to stay comfortable while you are doing it.
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My Butt is Sweating! 7 Effective Tips For Your Tender Bits
Have you ever been there? It can be downright embarrassing to have butt print sweat stains on your shorts, left on a machine at the gym, or on a bench after adjusting your sneakers.
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